
Descanso Gardens Japanese Garden History Talk and Tour - March 8, 2025

The camellias of Descanso have a storied past. In the heart of the Camellia Forest, hear from Kenko Sone, Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles; Dr. Kendall Brown, professor and Japanese garden expert; descendants of survivors of the Tuna Canyon Detention Station; and Descanso staff.

Remarks will be followed by a walk through the Camellia Forest and the Japanese Garden, which will feature a display from Tuna Canyon Detention Station Coalition.

Adults $15
Seniors (65+) $11
Students with ID $11
Children (5-12) $5
Children 4 and under FREE

Exhibit on display at Descanso Gardens - March 7-9, 2025

The Tuna Canyon exhibit will be on display at the beautiful Descanso Gardens in La Cresenta, California from March 7-9 in the Japanese Garden near the entrance. A special program is planned for this event with details to follow.

Adults $15
Seniors (65+) $11
Students with ID $11
Children (5-12) $5
Children 4 and under FREE

Tuna Canyon Detention Station Coalition Biennial Luncheon

Join us in celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Historic Cultural Monument 1039

Date: September 23, 2023
Time: 11:30-2:00

Location: Friendship Hall
3201 Riverside Drive
Griffith Park
Los Angeles, California 90027
View Map

Program: Presentation of Marc Stirdivant Scholarship for Justice essay and art winners .

“Book to Action Interviews”

Book to Action Interviews with the Goleta & Santa Ynez Valley Libraries

Dr. Russell Endo presents Tuna Canyon with connections to the region.

Dr. Sigrid B. Toye presents a rare German perspective of Tuna Canyon.

June Aochi Berk vividly remembers her early years in Rohwer Concentration Camp.

Conrad Caspari tells the story of Fritz Caspari, an anti-Nazi who was incarcerated in the US as a German Enemy Alien during WWII.

80th Commemoration Video (December 2021)

“World War II at SB”

Grateful Crane Ensemble performances at TCDS Fundraisers

Letters to My Grandchildren 2019
The Grateful Crane Ensemble narrated family letters written during March 1942 when father was arrested by the FBI and sent to Tuna Canyon. Mother Chica had to pay all debts, collect funds, and close the optometrist business that her husband, Kenzo, left behind. The family had to report to Parker, Arizona or Poston Concentration Camp 1 along the Colorado River.

Only the Oaks Remain 2017

The Grateful Crane Ensemble performed a play based on the personal stories of Tuna Canyon detainees.

Multicultural Panel at JACC TCDS Event

Faith during WWII incarceration; Dr. Duncan R. Williams translation of Daisho Tana’s diary

Alien Land Law presentation by Dr. Kanji Sahara

Shinto Purification Ceremony at Tuna Canyon Detention Station held Dec 16, 2013